We’re experts in medical practice business.
If you’re looking to improve, expand, acquire, or launch a medical practice, we can help. And if you’re looking to understand how medical practice businesses work, we can help with that, too.
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“If it ain’t broke,” maybe you still should fix it
This meme popped up on one of my feeds recently, and whenever it does, it makes me smile (and think). It's a picture of a horse tied to a lightweight plastic chair. The horse is
Preparing to sell your practice? (Tip #2: Choose the right CPA)
Thinking of selling your practice sometime soon? Say, within the next few years? To maximize your negotiating position and smooth the process, I recommend you hire an accounting firm with medical practice experience. (By that
Preparing to sell your practice? (Tip #1: Get it into fighting shape)
If you're thinking about selling your medical practice sometime relatively soon—say, within the next few years—there's no time like the present to give your business a thorough evaluation. By digging into the details of operations
Laurie Morgan’s acclaimed book
In People, Technology, Profit: Practical Ideas for a Happier, Healthier Practice Business, Laurie Morgan shares how Capko & Morgan clients improved profitability and found renewed satisfaction with their practices. This lively book is chock-full of real-life examples as well as surprising new ways to look at everyday practice management problems.
The beloved practice-Management classic by Judy Capko
Now in its third edition, Secrets has helped countless practice owners and administrators elevate their practices. Its case-study approach puts you in the shoes of people facing the same challenges and goals you are–with analysis that shows the way forward.