
Laurie Morgan

About Morgan

Learn more about my background at: linkedin.com/in/lauriemorgan

“If it ain’t broke,” maybe you still should fix it

This meme popped up on one of my feeds recently, and whenever it does, it makes me smile (and think). It's a picture of a horse tied to a lightweight plastic chair. The horse is standing patiently and obediently, presumably unaware that he could easily shake off the chair, break it, or drag it along and run away if he chose to. The caption is always some variation of, "The thing holding you back might be all in your head." Time to break free? It's an idea always worth exploring in my opinion. Whenever working on an intractable problem, I always seem to find that testing some assumption or another can lead to a solution. It's natural for business owners and managers to rely on assumptions. No one has time to rethink every workflow or financial policy or technology strategy every day (obviously). That's one reason why unhelpful or outdated assumptions can be hard to spot. It's a challenge that affects everyone, but perhaps especially very busy people who shoulder a lot of responsibility. What's more, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" or "that battle's not worth fighting" or "we tried that once and it didn't work"–some of the most common assumptions we make to help us keep things moving along—can be very useful maxims that help keep the to-do list manageable and avoid wasting energy. Even well-founded assumptions can outlive their usefulness as times change, though. And when they do, the same guideposts that once were so helpful can undermine progress. Part of my job as a consultant is to help practices identify and question their assumptions, to be sure they're still helpful. A mini case study I saw this play out recently with a practice that wanted to add clinicians but lacked office space, especially at the front desk. As a result of earlier expansion of the provider team, the front desk was already understaffed by at least fifty percent. ("We can't fix that. There's nowhere to put anyone else.") Despite this obvious constraint, the owners had an opportunity to hire two clinicians they really

By |2025-02-02T14:34:22-08:00February 2nd, 2025|

Preparing to sell your practice? (Tip #2: Choose the right CPA)

Thinking of selling your practice sometime soon? Say, within the next few years? To maximize your negotiating position and smooth the process, I recommend you hire an accounting firm with medical practice experience. (By that I mean... experience with medical practices besides yours.) Perhaps you haven’t given much thought to your accounting until now. If the bills have been paid and taxes filed, that's probably just fine. As a small business owner, it’s up to you how much you want to spend on accounting services. (Assuming, of course, that you invest the minimum to keep track of your money and satisfy tax requirements.) Once you decide to sell, though, your accounting will be thrust into the spotlight. Your financial records will function almost like marketing documents. Clean, understandable, detailed documentation of your business's expenses and revenues will help you stay in the driver's seat when negotiating the best price for your business. Before you go to market, a CPA with medical practice experience can also help your practice administrator categorize revenues and expenses so that you can easily spot trends and make profit improvements. This can be very important in the year (or two or three) before you get serious about selling. You can also work with your CPT to identify practices (like use of personal credit cards) that might be pesky to untangle as you present your practice to buyers. The right healthcare-literate CPA will organize your financial statements in a manner that puts your practice's operations in the clearest and best light. The right accountant can help you track things like your loans/lines of credits and government payments so that they’re easily explained to a potential buyer. This can ease the due diligence process, too, once you reach that stage. Hiring a CPA with clear medical experience may also avoid some pricing pitfalls. A generalist CPA may consider your practice more similar to other small businesses than it is. That can lead to valuation assumptions that differ from typical medical practice sale prices. Bottom line: even if a CPA with demonstrable medical practice experience costs a bit more,

By |2024-12-09T18:17:55-08:00December 9th, 2024|

Preparing to sell your practice? (Tip #1: Get it into fighting shape)

If you're thinking about selling your medical practice sometime relatively soon—say, within the next few years—there's no time like the present to give your business a thorough evaluation. By digging into the details of operations and finance, you will: Be better able to describe your business to prospective buyers Have a clearer idea of what the business is worth Perhaps most important, be able to make improvements now that could yield a higher price Regarding the last bullet: all practice businesses have some room to improve (nobody's perfect). Most have enough opportunity to build on strengths and correct inefficiencies to make a noticeable difference in the bottom line. This could be consequential for you even if you don't sell your business. (After all, most improvements you'll discover will be repeatable, so the financial upside will continue in the future.) But if you plan to sell, every increase in your bottom line has the potential to increase the price your practice can attract many times over. For example, if you discover that you're losing prospective patients due to front office turnover or correctable phone issues (maybe just a few patients, so you never noticed until you looked closely), fixing that problem creates new revenue possibilities immediately. Those new revenues don't require more costs, so your profits improve. Those improved profits are sustainable, meaning the financials you'll use to bring your business to market will look better—and attract better offers. There are many areas of a practice business that are candidates for quantitative analysis. On the revenue cycle side, many metrics from your EMR/PM system can be evaluated and improved to drive more revenue relatively painlessly. Understanding and improving your technology utilization (even just with the systems you already have) can usually unlock efficiency, and that extra efficiency can reduce stress while improving capacity. Correcting common coding errors can also yield an immediate revenue increase without any more work. These are just a few of the areas you could look at first. If you want to tackle this type of analysis yourself, our books are a great way to learn how to

By |2024-12-09T18:16:57-08:00December 9th, 2024|

Why PE buyers seem to pay so much more for medical practices

In recent years, private equity (PE) purchases and roll-ups of physician practices have gotten a lot of attention in the media and in physician circles, mainly because of the opportunity they represent for physician owners to sell their businesses for attractive prices. In fact, if you're in a market where PE buyers are on the hunt for practice acquisitions, some of the selling prices you've heard might seem almost unbelievable. At least, they might if you're familiar with the prices sellers can expect when selling to another practice owner, larger group, or, perhaps especially, a hospital. A sale to private equity can definitely be financially rewarding. As I write this, I have just finished helping a client through the entire process of evaluating PE buyers, presenting his practice, negotiating a solid deal with his preferred buyer, and navigating the complexities and details of due diligence. The entire process took the better part of a year, but I'm happy to say that my client was rewarded for all the hard work of building his practice over many years—and not just with an impressive financial return. He also secured a promising future for his practice and his employees. It can be done! But if you're contemplating selling and wondering if those big numbers you've heard mean you should only focus on PE buyers, there are a few distinct features of PE deals that can help explain, at least partly, why the prices are higher than offered by other buyers. These differences are important to understand and consider as you contemplate an exit strategy for yourself and your practice. Comparing PE offers you're hearing about to transactions involving other types of buyers, price alone might not yield an accurate, apples-to-apples comparison. A PE sale might offer more potential upside, but there will be conditions to the deal that differ from a more typical business sale—conditions that affect how much a seller can actually expect to net. You'll want to factor these into your analysis of your options. Here are three common features of PE deals that drive their offers higher than other types

By |2024-11-29T16:51:57-08:00November 29th, 2024|

Careful ways to address a profit decline

Few things are more unnerving than realizing your business is less profitable than it once was—or than you counted on. The instinct to take immediate action is understandable. If you’re a physician, responding quickly to urgent situations is second nature. And after all, if your profit is suddenly on a lower trajectory, you may have reason to be concerned that you’re heading toward a personal financial emergency. Though it’s natural to act fast, resist the instinct to attempt a quick fix. Here’s what to do instead. Invest enough time to be sure you’ve accurately identified the problem. First instincts about the causes of profitability problems are often incorrect. That’s why getting a handle on the root causes of your situation is crucial—before taking corrective action. Start with a meticulous review of your financial statements and accounting data for the past few years. Compare each revenue source and expense line in detail, making sure you have all the information you need to compare apples-to-apples. For example, if your accountants have changed up your chart of accounts, ask them to help you dig into the expense and revenue ledgers to find any specific items that have increased or decreased significantly over time. Carefully consider the impact of extraordinary items, lags, and run rates. Be sure to review both year-over-year and month-by-month financial data. Any one-time expenses or revenues (e.g., an unforeseen legal expense, preventable inventory spoilage, or unexpected income like Meaningful Use payments) should be separated out to determine underlying, standardized financial performance. This will help you avoid confusion about whether specific items constitute harmful trends or are simply timing differences or extraordinary items unlikely to recur. Let’s say, for example, that you’ve hired a new physician during the year. At the end of the year, you may find that her revenue falls short of expectations. But it might be incorrect to conclude that her production is not on target. Several types of lags could affect her total for that first year. Her productivity for the final two or three months of the year will tell you more about the pace she’s

By |2023-05-28T10:46:40-08:00September 5th, 2023|

Embrace professionalism for a stronger practice business

I had an inspiring conversation with a young physician recently. He is looking forward to one day owning a practice. He envisions himself establishing a practice ethos that encourages colleagueship and respects physician excellence. “Expert culture,” he says, is the key to physician engagement and avoiding burnout. His passion was infectious. I can’t help be animated by the idea of brilliant doctors motivating each other to be even better! Moreover, like many of us in healthcare, I’m concerned about the rise in physician burnout, and I agree with this ambitious doctor that more respect for expertise could help alleviate it. But a question occurred to me as we were talking: What about applying the same thinking to the business side of medicine? The idea of setting a similar standard of professionalism for administration may not be intuitively obvious. It only makes sense that clinical expertise is king in our practices. Sometimes, though, even unintentionally, acknowledging this can translate into a more casual attitude about the administrative work being done to support the practice of medicine. This can mean that important business pillars of the practice are not as strong as they could be. This is not unique to medicine. It’s become a cliché that law firms, for example, often struggle with business management, despite being populated by brainy overachievers. Many fast-growing startups are created by smart people with an avid interest in a particular invention, technology, or service—and less interest in the daily nuts-and-bolts of management, which gets the short shrift. In all these examples, when management takes too much of a back seat, the financial success of the organization—and even the ability to achieve the core mission—may suffer. Adopting the same professional standards on the business side that you aim for on the clinical side can help avoid unnecessary costs. What’s more, it can encourage profitability and growth, building the value of your asset. It can also make your practice a much more pleasant place to work! So what are the hallmarks of a professional practice organization? Here are a few: Formalized, forward-thinking human resources policies Small businesses of

By |2023-05-28T10:31:34-08:00August 10th, 2023|

Hidden sources of burnout that you can fix

Physician burnout is widely considered a pernicious epidemic that puts physician and patient health at risk. Frustratingly, it’s also often assumed that inescapable facts of physician life are to blame: increasing documentation demands; mandatory EMR technology that’s far less than ideal; and a physician culture that prizes self-reliance and endurance over self-care. Individual practices may not be able to move the needle at all on these huge factors, but we don’t have to throw up our hands and give up on avoiding or ameliorating burnout. There are many small but significant changes that managers and owners can make that can have a positive impact on physicians’ work lives, reducing stress and boosting morale – and the great news is these changes often bring other benefits to the practice business. Fairness and transparency: technology can help I often write about technology that can help practices run better. It’s one of my favorite topics, partly because I feel that challenging EMR implementations have left many physicians and administrators feeling very skeptical about technology and hesitant to adopt recent innovations – even ones that were developed in a more physician- and practice-focused way. Many newer tech tools can both increase practice efficiency and improve communication and transparency, changing physicians’ work lives for the better. For example, for specialties with on-call responsibilities, scheduling is often a massive chore. When the process is regarded as a “black box,” it can be a source of stress and distrust. On-call scheduling usually involves a patchwork of requirements and assumptions. When the rules aren’t automated, crafting a compliant schedule is a tedious process usually handled by one or two experts (who had better not get hit by a bus, lest all that knowledge disappear!). Even something as simple as two physicians swapping call can throw a monkey wrench into the works. Tech solutions for on-call scheduling address all these operational issues. They’re marketed mainly as a means to streamline scheduling and reduce errors and liability – worthy and profitable advantages to be sure. But there are happy byproducts of automating the schedule – such as making sure it

By |2023-05-28T10:18:04-08:00July 1st, 2023|

Leveraging your location to attract staff

If your practice is looking to add new staff, either as replacements due to contagious "Great Resignation" exits or as you contemplate expansion, you're likely facing a tough labor market. Give yourself the best chance of attracting the right people by using all of the assets at your disposal—including presenting your location in its best possible light. Location may not seem like a particularly valuable asset for recruiting staff. Won’t job-seekers simply search for open positions near them? How can location be an advantage when, for most people, the city where they’ll work is a simple yea or nay decision? It’s unlikely staff workers will be lured from far away based solely on the city you’re in, but details about your specific location can make your job more attractive to the candidates looking for work in your community. Here are a few to consider spotlighting: Nearby amenities Many candidates will focus primarily on how far away your office is from their home, not realizing that the surroundings of the workplace can provide a lot of convenience and enjoyment. For example, if your office is close to amenities like a shopping district, promote that. In many locations, cities are working hard to lure businesses to re-energize their downtown neighborhoods--and so are the local businesses that populate these zones. A convenient downtown location can make it easy for staff to pick up essentials or just have a fun break during lunch. Burdensome errands like going to the post office, library, or DMV may be easier and more pleasant to accomplish. An affordable gym nearby can make it possible to squeeze in workouts before or after work. (Maybe you can even negotiate a membership discount for your staff.) And if your office is located near walking paths (or just in pleasant environs for strolling), staff can take advantage of that, too—and get fresh air and exercise during lunchtime for free. Office setting matters, too Is your office in or near a major medical center? Are you surrounded by many medical offices? This can be an advantage for job-seeking healthcare workers. Especially when starting

By |2023-05-28T09:59:50-08:00June 8th, 2023|

Job Hunting for Residents and Fellows

Laurie's new book is out! Job Hunting for Physicians is the perfect guide for residents and fellows embarking on their all-important first-job search. It's available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and by request at your local bookstore in both print and ebook.   Laurie's also looking for a few residents and fellows to review the book. You'll be provided with a free ebook to do so. Reach out to her via our contact page for more information.  

By |2023-05-25T14:34:29-08:00May 25th, 2023|

Position your newly hired clinician for success

Whether you’re hiring a physician or a non-physician provider, odds are you’ll spend a great deal of time (and probably money, too) attracting the right clinician candidate to you practice. If that new hire ultimately doesn’t work out, you practice will face the costs of going back to square one—as well as lost revenue while that job remains unfilled. Effective on-boarding can help ensure your new hire knows what is expected and become productive more quickly. Yet despite the high stakes involved, getting new hires off to a good start often gets much less attention than recruiting does. Protect that big recruitment investment by getting your new clinicians off to a strong start. Here are some quick tips for how to do it. Be realistic about ramp-up time. It’s natural to be excited about the productivity a new clinician can bring to your organization. It will take a while, though, for your new hire to ramp up to their full capacity. Plan more accurately for the ramp-up by considering the individual’s training and their prior experiences. A nurse practitioner or physician assistant may need a lot of training and oversight for many months, especially if they’ve just graduated or are coming from a different specialty. (Remember that less-experienced clinicians will likely be counting on your training—and not providing it could severely affect their morale.) Even experienced physicians will need time to get acclimated to your systems, protocols, and workflows. And if expect a newly hired physician to attract new patients of their own, keep in mind that creating a reputation and building a network also take time. Be clear from the start about expectations. When employed clinicians fall behind on unspoken expectations, resentments may fester—and relationships can fray if both sides come to feel deceived. Before you even recoup your investment in recruiting, your new hire could end up leaving your practice. Unfortunately, it’s a sad pattern we’ve seen too often in our consulting work. The first step to avoid such costly misunderstandings is to be as clear as possible about what you expect. Invest time to document a full

By |2023-05-25T14:03:09-08:00May 25th, 2023|

Directories still pretty inaccurate

If you've followed us for a while, you know I've been urging practices of all sizes to take their payer directory listings more seriously for years now. It's not that insurers shouldn't do a better job. It's just that (as someone who once owned a directory company) I know how hard it is to keep directories accurate, especially if it's not your core competency (like, when your actual job is providing health insurance). It's also something that requires effort on both sides to be done properly. There's just no way around this. The insurer can't be expected to know when anything changes on your side unless you inform them. And while insurers should do a better job of accurately publishing information you provide them, mistakes are inevitable. It's up to you to catch them and make sure they're fixed. And it's absolutely worth monitoring and correcting your listings! I can think of few marketing tasks that are more directly connected to attracting new patients. Patients want to know that you're (1) in their network (2) accepting new patients and (3) convenient to them before deciding to contact you. If you're not listed accurately in their health plan directory, you're basically turning them away at your door. More on the latest study showing directories just haven't gotten any easier to maintain: https://www.healthcaredive.com/news/inconsistent-physician-directories-no-surprises-act/645307/

By |2023-05-25T14:22:03-08:00March 17th, 2023|

New PracticeLink article on burnout

My two newest PracticeLink articles are on a subject that's top of my mind: burnout (what it is, how to spot it, how to respond, and how to think about it in the context of a job search). I had the chance to talk to several well-informed, passionate, thoughtful physicians in pulling the piece together. If you're interested in the subject, I'd love to hear any comments on the article that you care to share. The second, shorter piece is aimed at physician recruiters. (Is there anything I didn't say that you'd like to tell them about burnout?)   By the way, I've got at least four more PracticeLink features booked this year. I'm always looking for sources. If you're interested in commenting (and helping out residents and fellows who are starting their job searches), I'd be delighted to speak with you. (I promise it will be painless... dare I say it, even a little fun! Plus you'll be helping physicians who are just starting out by sharing what you've learned so far in your own career.) Some of the topics I'll be working on: different ways to practice (cruise ship? overseas? I'll be looking to learn about any practice settings that are outside the norm of expected physician recruiting) what to look for in a potential employer (beyond compensation) how to shine in your job interviews -- from first contact through the interview process what lawyers look for in physician employment contracts

By |2023-02-26T18:06:09-08:00February 26th, 2023|

PracticeLink: “Timeline of a Physician Job Search”

I recently learned that this article I wrote for PracticeLink ("Timeline of a Physician Job Search") took silver in a national awards competition! Quite a pleasant surprise (partly because I didn't even know the editor had submitted it). If you or someone you know is a job-seeking physician, check out this link (and if you have comments, I'd love to hear them).   -  

By |2023-05-25T14:17:56-08:00May 1st, 2022|

Protecting Revenue and Patient Relationships During Our Pandemic

Practices have begun to resume services and urge patients to resume care, especially patients who’ve put it off because of anxiety about COVID-19. While ensuring (and communicating about) patient safety naturally takes center stage, the revenue side of practice management needs extra attention, too. Patients may hesitate to visit your office not just because of fear of infection, but because of financial concerns. Some patients face uncertainty about their job security. Some may have already suffered a job loss (and even a corresponding loss of insurance). For patients who are struggling financially, or simply anxious about money, anything but urgent health concerns may be pushed to the back burner—even though this might increase the risk of more dangerous problems down the road. Of course, practice managers and physician owners also have their own financial concerns to contend with. Generating and capturing revenue is crucial to ensure employees can be retained and the bottom line remains healthy, especially as government supports expire. The high cost-sharing many patients face may seem like a formidable obstacle when patients are already nervous. But there are ways you can shore up your practice’s financial picture and collect more effectively from patients—without jeopardizing your patient relationships. In fact, with the right efforts, your practice may be able to improve both your financial picture and the patient experience. Provide accurate information One way practices can help reassure patients is by helping them get a handle on their costs. Often, the out-of-pocket owed is less than patients fear. Even when it will be more than they hoped, patients will be better served by a straightforward and honest conversation about costs. Providing accurate information depends on staff training and technology. Be sure your schedulers are aware of how to access an up-to-date estimate of costs from your patients’ health plans. Proper training, including role-playing, can help staff become more comfortable with broaching financial terms. Sharing this information with patients at the time of scheduling also provides an opportunity to set up a credit card on-file to process payments after services are provided. Storing a credit card (in a PCI-compliant

By |2023-05-28T09:50:04-08:00August 1st, 2020|

Should you buy the practice down the street? [on-demand webinar]

In recent years, clients and friends of C&M have been involved in practice acquisitions or mergers. In many of these cases, a practice in a nearby area has come up for sale, perhaps due to retirement or death of a physician owner. These can be exciting opportunities, but stressful, too. There is usually pressure to respond quickly. And, of course, the decision usually involves a significant investment. (And one of the stressful aspects of it is that the total investment--not just the purchase price, but all costs involved, before, during, and after the transaction--can be hard to project and easy to underestimate.) The need to move fast often makes it hard to even think through all the questions you want to ask -- much less get answers to all of them. When the pressure's on, fear of missing out may take over. But if you move too fast, you may "win" the opportunity without realizing what it really costs. "Buying the practice down the street" may be a fantastic way to quickly expand your practice, but it's not without significant pitfalls. Information and a solid plan are your best tools for protecting your interests. In this short webinar (about 30 minutes), Laurie Morgan outlines some of the key questions to consider when deciding whether to buy a nearby practice. To view the recording, click this link. You'll be asked to register. Once you confirm, you'll receive a link to the video page. Once you've watched, we'd love to hear from you if you have questions. And, of course, we're at-the-ready to help you with consulting services before you make a purchase decision (or before you put your practice on the market). Use the contact form to email us or give us a call.

By |2022-01-01T22:51:43-08:00March 2nd, 2020|

Net collections: Are you waving the white flag?

The subject of net collections seems to be in the ether these days. (For the purposes of this discussion, I'm referring to net collections as the amount your practice is ultimately reimbursed for services it provides, i.e., your net reimbursement after adjustments or credits.) Though it's long been a staple metric, its usefulness in our high-deductible environment may be in doubt. Since net collections measures how much of what you're entitled to has actually been paid, an accurate calculation of it can be invaluable. But therein lies the rub. An accurate calculation of this "simple" metric is increasingly hard to come by. Practice management systems have gotten much better at tracking multiple fee schedules and comparing them against what we've actually been paid--this isn't the problem. The problem is that more of our reimbursement must now come from patients, so it may take months for any service to be fully reimbursed. If you run a report on net collections for a recent time period, this lag in reimbursement will suppress the average net collected for all your payers. If you're running the report primarily to keep an eye on your payers, this lag is enough to make the aggregate data all but useless for that purpose. The report will almost always "show" that your payers haven't reimbursed as promised, even when the reason is simply that it takes more time to bill patients and for them to pay. An executive at one of the larger groups we've worked at confessed to me that "we don't even bother with net collections reports anymore. Entering the fee schedules is a waste of time." While I can understand the frustration, I think there's a risk of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. There's a lot of value in calculating net collections. We want to know--no, we need to know--if payers are reimbursing as agreed. And when slow patient collections drag down the net collections figures, that information is also important to understand. What if patient bad debt is starting to climb? Net collections analysis can help you spot this and take action.

By |2022-01-01T22:51:43-08:00February 12th, 2020|

Top tips to make the most of the fall season and prep for the deductible reset

It may seem hard to believe—I know it does to me—but we’re approaching the last quarter of 2019. The summer season goes by fast, probably for obvious reasons, and when autumn arrives, it feels like it sneaked up on us.Of course, for many practices, there’s another reason it feels like a stealth attack by the calendar: the workload can go from one of the slowest times of the year to one of the busiest, seemingly overnight. This time of year can be crucial for your profitability. With many patients wanting to book services before the end of the calendar year, especially those who’ve met high deductibles, it’s an opportunity to meet patient needs and make more money. Now’s the time to plan how you’ll make the most of this busy time of year, without unnecessary stress. Here are some of our favorite tips for maximizing the upside of this season—while also staying well and enjoying what this high-productivity time of year. 1) Set a plan and get everyone on the same page Many of our practice clients seem to have an allergy to staff meetings! We understand the fear of wasted time. But at this crucial time of year, a group huddle can help make sure everyone knows what to expect and, above all, understands why the season is so important to practice health and stability. (This is likely obvious to physicians and practice managers, but it may not be to your staff.) Patients who know they’ve met their deductibles will be anxious to book care that they’ve put off. That means staff may need to be a little more patient when patients are less so. Patients will also likely be confused about their insurance, so making sure everyone knows the right way to answer their questions is critical (even if the right answer simply means knowing who to transfer their call to). If anyone on your staff is rusty on your technology capabilities or the billing/scheduling rules they’ll need to explain make sure you encourage them to speak up without feeling ashamed. Review your scripts and manuals, and assess

By |2022-01-01T22:51:43-08:00September 17th, 2019|

Are you an in-house medical biller or billing manager?

Are you an in-house medical biller or billing manager? We are looking to speak with a few billing professionals (either currently working as in-house billers, or who have been employed by practices in the past) for a project. If you are willing to speak with us for about 5-10 minutes for our research project, which focuses on attracting, motivating, and retaining medical billing staff, please reply contact us. We're looking for five to ten qualified respondents. Besides our gratitude, you'll receive a $5 gift card :) Better still, your responses will also help physicians and practice administrators better lead and manage billing teams. Thank you!

By |2019-09-12T14:49:06-08:00September 12th, 2019|

Teaching patients about their health insurance shouldn’t be your job–but it is

If you are frustrated by how confused patients can be about their insurance, and by the conflicts this confusion often leads to (especially about patient balances), you have good reason. Insurance is provided by employers, who theoretically should be able to explain it (it's an important part of employee compensation, after all). And it's offered and managed by insurance companies, who set and enforce the terms. There seem to be several good ways, logical ways to get information about insurance rules. So why do many patients misunderstand how it works? A few things are obvious. One is that health insurance can be very complicated. (It is complicated for those of us who work with it every day, even.) And the training and information patients have access to from their employers and insurers is simply not clear or accessible enough for many patients and many situations. This gap shouldn't be your problem. But it ultimately becomes your problem, since you'll have to deal with patients' confusion and corresponding reluctance to pay. All of which is a long way of saying that helping patients understand how their insurance works may not be something you should have to do, but it is something you're better off doing. And the earlier in the relationship you start the education process, the better. The clearer patients are on their financial responsibility before they receive care, the less likely they will be surprised by a large balance they didn't expect to owe. There is an old saw in marketing about how you have to repeat a message seven to ten times before anyone really absorbs it. The seven to ten is not regarded as a scientific analysis by anyone. But the idea that you have to repeat things, usually more often than you expect, and ideally via different media, is well accepted. (There's a reason you see and hear advertising by the same companies in different places and via different channels.) To this end, we often suggest to medical practices that they have some explanatory material at the front desk that covers common insurance issues--things like what

By |2022-01-01T22:51:44-08:00September 3rd, 2019|

The way we speak about colleagues matters [practice management tip: leadership]

Do you tend to refer to staff or their roles in your practice with generic terms like “billing person” or “someone on phones”? These descriptors seem like innocuous shorthand. But when physicians and managers speak about people in this generic way, it can send an unintended message that you view your employees as interchangeable cogs. Employees may assume that their career progress will never be recognized, or that employees’ specific contributions are not appreciated. Morale may suffer, and, over time, that can mean higher costs due to turnover. Productivity may be suppressed, too. Whether you’re a physician or a practice administrator, you worked hard to earn the respect that comes with your title. Feeling recognized for your achievements and contributions enriches your work life. The “billing person” who is working to bring money in your door may have invested in education to learn their profession, too. Though the training is nowhere near as competitive or lengthy as medical school or climbing the management ladder, becoming a skilled medical billing professional takes energy and commitment. Perhaps you now have an expert biller on your team, where you once had an eager novice who needed to apply herself to becoming proficient—a point of pride for her, and a financial benefit for you. Even roles like receptionist that have few education or experience requirements can be done with inspiration and excellence when your staff is engaged—benefitting your patients and your practice. On the flip side, if your staff is disengaged and going through the motions, you’re missing a big opportunity for your practice to stand out. Regardless of the roles they play, most of your employees spend more time working in your business than doing anything else. An atmosphere where there are a few valued players at the top and everyone else is considered interchangeable is not one where motivated people will want to work for long. Investing some time in creating (and using) meaningful titles for your employees costs nothing—but may earn a lot in improved morale and stability. A happier workplace with a more positive atmosphere means lower costs -- and

By |2022-01-01T22:51:44-08:00August 4th, 2019|

Don’t let the bastards get you down

We recently found out that another client of ours has been embezzled. Yes, I said "another." Employees stealing from practices unfortunately happens way too often. Though not rare, even just hearing about it is jarring. I find it sticks with me for days, like a black cloud reminding me that people can be awful. Of course, the effect it has on us is trivial compared to the impact it has on the actual victims of this terrible abuse of trust. The point of this post is not to advise you on how to reduce your risk of embezzlement. (We can do that, so contact us if you want to learn more, or start with our short quiz on the subject. But this post is about the emotional impact of having been robbed and deceived by someone you trusted.) If you've discovered that someone you relied on stole from you, here are some things I would like you to know. It's not you, it's them.Becoming a victim of embezzlement has nothing to do with your intelligence. Read that again: being a victim of embezzlement has nothing to do with your intelligence. Too often, victims of embezzlement feel ashamed that it happened to them. But though embezzlers are often clever, the difference between you and them is more about worldview than intellect. In some cases, people who were once honest find ways to rationalize their first theft while working for you. In other cases, embezzlers are repeat offenders who treat their crime as a trade, moving from employer to employer to ply it. Either way, it's clear embezzlers have a completely different sense of what is right and wrong than you do. In all likelihood, you didn't suspect them because you'd never consider doing something like this yourself. It's wrong to blame the victim of any crime, even when the victim is yourself. The only person to blame is the perpetrator. But you can put your intelligence to work for you by learning how to avoid a recurrence. You'll need to look at the world in a different way, so that you

By |2022-01-01T22:51:44-08:00July 15th, 2019|

New EMR/burnout study: Can your practice benefit from its findings?

A new PAMF (Palo Alto Medical Foundation) study on the connection between EMR and physician burnout is getting a lot of attention. The study has limitations (e.g., it focuses on one organization, one EMR and set of workflows, and it aims to infer much from a single question). But despite the need for caveats, the study is valuable because it confirms what intuition suggests about EMRs and physicians' stress. What's more, the authors tested workflow modifications and found they helped alleviate EMR-related burnout at PAMF. You can read about the study here. To summarize it, the study validated that when EMRs encourage message overload, they significantly increase physician stress. The study found that about half of all messages the physicians in the PAMF study received were EMR-generated--i.e., things like health maintenance alerts and medication reminders that the system generates automatically. The researchers found that many of these messages could be handled, or at least triaged, by other members of the care team. For example, medication messages could be routed first to a pharmacist, who would involve the physician only if needed. Nurses and MAs could also handle much of the automated message volume, such as follow-up appointment reminders. Not surprisingly, when PAMF experimented with diverting these lower-complexity messages to others, the burden (and stress) on physicians decreased substantially. Can PAMF's solution work in your practice? PAMF is a large, integrated healthcare organization. Healthcare Dive reported that PAMF launched an initiative called MIST--Multi-Disciplinary Inbox Support Team--to test the idea of sharing the message workload. One year in, MIST seems to have helped reduce physician message loads (and stress) substantially. But what if your practice is not a huge organization with IT and workflow experts or pharmacists on staff? In our consulting work, we often recommend practices involve staff in more meaningful work. To enable physicians to focus as much as possible on tasks that only they can do (working at the top of their licenses), everyone else needs to do as much as they can. Expanding the roles of staff -- within their skills and scope, of course -- can help

By |2022-01-01T22:51:44-08:00July 7th, 2019|

‘Accept that almost anybody is a volunteer’: what does it mean to your medical practice?

We've started a new website feature you might like. We're listing some of our favorite famous inspirational management quotes (along with a few of our own). Classic quotes are fun and useful because the gurus who said them figured out how to succinctly express management ideas that can sometimes be obscure in practice. One of our favorites deals with a brutal truth of managing employees: Peter Drucker's advice to "accept that we have to treat almost anybody as a volunteer." You've got the title and you sign the paychecks. In theory, that gives you a lot of leverage. You can insist on having everything your way, at least for a little while. Eventually, though, a dissatisfied employee can put on his or her walking shoes and go work somewhere else. This freedom to hit the road goes double for people in high demand. (Like, say, physicians in practically any specialty, or talented administrators or billers.) If you're finding your practice is experiencing a lot of turnover in key roles, it can be very costly for your business. And even before they leave, unhappy employees can harm your practice with low productivity, negativity, and, in extreme cases, even sabotage. So how can thinking of employees as "volunteers" help you improve morale and retain key people longer? Here are a few things to consider: The idea that employees are "volunteers" means more than just "they can leave." Modern employees want to be inspired by their work. They want workplaces that align with their values -- just as they would if donating their time. This doesn't mean you should retool your practice culture to match the preferences of every new hire. What's more important is to know your culture and be clear about it when hiring. That will help you avoid a costly revolving door of employees whose expectations weren't met. And what if you suspect parts of your culture or your work standards could use an upgrade? The upside of better morale and lower turnover is a good reason to consider making needed changes. Money is important. Make sure you're not notably

By |2022-01-01T22:51:44-08:00March 19th, 2019|

Should you buy the practice down the street? [on-demand webinar]

In recent years, many of our clients and friends have been involved in practice acquisitions or mergers. In many of these cases, a practice in a nearby area has come up for sale, perhaps due to retirement or death of a physician owner. These can be exciting opportunities, but stressful, too. There is usually pressure to respond quickly. And, of course, the decision usually involves a significant investment. The need to move fast often makes it hard to even think through all the questions you want to ask -- much less get answers to all of them. When the pressure's on, fear of missing the opportunity may take over. But if you move too fast, you may "win" the opportunity without realizing what it really costs. "Buying the practice down the street" may be a fantastic way to quickly expand your practice, but it's not without significant pitfalls. Information and a solid plan are your best tools for protecting your interests. In this short webinar (about 30 minutes), Laurie Morgan outlines some of the key questions to consider when deciding whether to buy a nearby practice. To view the recording, click the link. You'll be asked to register on the video page. Once you've watched, we'd love to hear from you if you have questions. And, of course, we're at-the-ready to help you with consulting services before you make a purchase decision (or before you put your practice on the market). Use the contact form to email us or give us a call.   "Should You Buy the Practice Down the Street?" [on-demand recording - registration required]  

By |2022-01-01T22:51:44-08:00March 14th, 2019|

Time for a review of your E&M/office visit utilization? (DOWNLOAD free spreadsheet.)

Office visits represent a huge proportion of revenue for most practice types. It's easy for small errors in coding to become habitual, and the resulting inaccuracy can be costly for your practice. Under-coding can mean lost revenue -- multiplied by hundreds or even thousands of visits per year. Accidental over-coding can lead to revenue clawbacks that create accounting hassles and make it more difficult to accurately project revenue. Payers are very concerned about E/M accurate coding, too. That's why any variation (not just over-coding) can be a trigger for a payer audit. Checking your E/M coding patterns against Medicare's utilization data for your specialty is a quick way to spot possible problems. If your or your practice's code utilization differs significantly from national data and the reasons aren't immediately clear, it could be time for a closer review or internal chart audit. Getting your hands on the CMS data, then entering it into a spreadsheet, can be a bit time-consuming -- but we've taken care of some of the grunt work for you. Follow the links below to download a spreadsheet that already has the CMS 2017* data keyed. It includes  formulas to calculate your clinicians' or your practice's utilization of each code, and compare it with the national averages. Just enter your data and get your results immediately. Allergy and immunology Cardiology Dermatology Endocrinology Family practice Gastroenterology General practice General surgery Internal medicine Neurology Neurosurgery OBGYN Orthopedic surgery Otolaryngology Psychiatry Pulmonary disease Rheumatology Urology Need a different specialty?  Contact us and we'll pull it together for you, provided the CMS has published data for it. Besides comparing against the CMS numbers, we recommend you compare your clinicians' numbers against each other. Sometimes, differences in utilization make perfect sense -- such as when the doctors see distinctly different patient populations. But not always. If the variances don't look logical to you, it's time to take a closer look. You may find it's time to bring in an E/M coding expert for a customized refresher course and/or chart audit. (If you need this help, contact us.)   *here's a link to

By |2019-02-27T15:32:20-08:00February 27th, 2019|

Ask us anything!

Ever wonder how a practice management consultant might respond to the questions that come up every day in your business? With our new Ask Us Anything website feature, you send us your questions, and we'll share our thoughts on them here -- where you and other physicians and practice managers can see how we think about management ideas and challenges.It's free, and it's anonymous. Check it out at our Ask Us Anything page.

By |2018-12-28T18:44:49-08:00December 28th, 2018|

[PINNED POST] New! Ask us anything

Do you have a general practice management question you'd like our opinion on? Share it here anonymously and we'll respond with our view. (Please note, this feature is for public questions, asked anonymously, and answered with our general viewpoint. If you'd like a private consultation about a specific problem at your practice, our "20 minutes, one question" service might be a better resource.)

By |2023-05-25T14:26:31-08:00December 28th, 2018|

Don’t believe the hype: patient portals aren’t “largely unused”

A provocative headline got my attention recently. It proclaimed that patient portals are "largely unused." It caught my eye partly because it didn't sound all that plausible -- and because taking such a headline at face value could be unhealthy for your businesses, dear clients and friends of Capko & Morgan.  I decided to dig into the matter. The article text actually mentioned that 37% of patients have recently used portals. Could the author actually believe that 37% utilization is trivial? That seemed to be what they were saying, yet it's hard to imagine they believe that. (Would a 37% decrease in salary leave one's pay "largely" unchanged?) Perhaps, you may be thinking, this was just a forgivable, inadvertent misuse of "largely." But I tend to think not. This type of exaggeration is just too common in modern media, even in our world of the business of healthcare. I tend to think the headline intended to sensationalize. Yet even if that wasn't the intention, it's still not a benign error, which is why I'm calling it out. Mischaracterizing portal adoption has a hidden cost Clients often tell us they've held back on technologies that could make their practices more efficient because they're concerned patients won't use them. But that thinking usually means practices miss out on significant benefits, since the tools they delay adopting (or forgo altogether) could make interaction easier for patients or make their practices more profitable (or both). This tendency to hesitate has been especially true for patient portals, and it's often very costly. Somewhere along the way, the idea took hold that portals aren't worthwhile unless nearly every patient uses them. But this is not true. It's not even close to true. If even a small percentage of patients regularly uses a portal, those patients will benefit -- and their physicians will save time, too. (And that's strictly on the clinical side. Portals have the potential for even more dramatic benefits on the payment and administration side, even when utilization is very low.) What's more, relative to other recent technologies, portal adoption is arguably not that

By |2022-01-01T22:51:45-08:00December 20th, 2018|

Credentialing: is it time to upgrade your process with software?

Credentialing can be a frustrating, mysterious, time-consuming process. It can seem like a black box: you throw your (copious) data in (with no idea what will happen to it), then hope you'll get what you want out of the other side (eventually -- you have no control over when). Worse, unlike most other administrative tasks your staff handles, credentialing has seemed immune to process improvement. It's no wonder so many practices outsource this tedious, unpredictable paper-pushing. But that can lead to another set of problems. For example, when delays occur, how do you know whether there's a problem with the application, the payer is just slow, or your credentialing service dropped the ball at some point? Constantly checking in with a credentialing service for updates wastes valuable time on both sides -- especially since your credentialing service has no more control over how long it takes payers to respond than you do. Thankfully, dear reader, you and I are not the only people who've observed the built-in productivity drains in credentialing the old-fashioned way. In recent years, technology whizzes have stepped in to improve the process. There are still frustrating pieces of the puzzle that technology can't yet fix -- like the need for physicians to gather all that information in the first place, and like the uncertainty about where submitted applications stand with payers. But technology can help with: maintaining a single source of credentials -- to avoid submitting out-of-date information or incomplete information tracking key dates enabling physicians to enter their own information via a portal -- to avoid double entry of data, and the associated costs and errors automating the completion of many forms in some cases, automatically updating or communicating electronically with important third parties like CAQH If you are not yet using a credentialing software product, now is the time to check your options out. And if you're outsourcing, it may be more efficient to bring the task back in house, supported by up-to-date software. Or if you continue to use a credentialing service, be sure that your partner uses a cloud-based system that you

By |2022-01-01T22:51:45-08:00December 4th, 2018|
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